
Showing posts from May, 2017

Quick update..

Daisy is now 16 weeks old. She is a right chunky monkey weighing in at bang on 15lbs. Nothing like my first Amelia-Lily, who was always so tiny and still is. Not much has been happening really at the moment. We had an appointment with Dr Oso on Monday 22nd may. I can honestly say it was most pointless appointment we have had yet. Is that bad of me to say that? We waited longer to see him, than the time we was actually in the room with him. We thought this appointment might be the results from Daisy's MRI Scan. But for some unknown reason no results have been sent over yet. typical! We was worried it might of got lost from when we had the cyber attack at the hospitals, as it happened just an hour half after we had left the hospital! I hope they have them because I don't think I could go through it again, with trying to get her to sleep and making sure she doesn't move in the MRI Scan. Complete nightmare but worth all the stress in the end hopefully. We also had a lett...

Deaf awareness week 2017

Today is the start of Deaf awareness week!  There is 11 million people in the U.K. With some sort of hearing loss. That is about 1 in 6 people. More than 900,000 people in the UK are severely or profoundly deaf and there are more than 45,000 deaf children in the UK, plus many more who experience temporary hearing loss. Around 6.7 million people could benefit from hearing aids and 24,000 people across the UK use sign language as their main language. Hearing loss is a common problem that often develops with age or is caused by exposure to loud noise. But I'm some cases this isn't the reason..  > Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder (ANSD) > Cholesteatoma >Cleft palate >Cytomegalovirus (CMV) > Enlarged vestibular aqueducts > Glue ear > Meningitis > Microtia and atresia > Otosclerosis > Genetic syndromes associated with hearing loss Daisy was born with congenital Cytomegalovirus (CCMV), this was due to me unknowingly having Cytomegalo...

Sucsseful MRI Scan

Today Daisy finally slept through her MRI scan!! I couldn't be more proud of her! She was a little superstar, she went straight to sleep when she was meant to and when the doctor was sorting her out with putting ear plugs in, and foam around her head she didn't flinch once. Thankfully Nottingham got hold of stoke and told our consultant that that they wanted to take pictures of the inner ear for them, so that they didn't have to do another MRI scan daisy. So fingers crossed that will be the last MRI scan she will ever need.. It was so horrible just sitting in the room with her being in the MRI scanner. I literally wanted to cry but I held it together.. I was in the corner on a chair just constantly looking at her, making sure she was okay, while this very loud machine was taking pictures of her head. It was definitely not the nicest thing to watch for a mother. But abit of advice is just to stay calm and think this is just another step closer to our baby he...


Today we finally went to Nottingham to start the process of Cochlear implants! I'm so pleased that we are finally on the ball, just hoping Daisy ticks all the boxes so that we can go ahead for the operation. So today we met Mr Daft. He spoke us through pretty much everything we needed to know about the implant programme. He started of by telling us about the cochlear in the ear, (which is the size of a pea). He then went onto talking about the cochlear and how it works, which we already knew pretty much everything that we needed to know, thanks to the teacher of the deaf. The one thing I didn't want to know was how they do it and what they do! I really didn't want to know. But thanks to Mr Daft he blarted it all out and I just sat there trying not to listen to him. I just proper zones out! I could see my mum and Bradley just looking at me, maybe they thought I was going to cry? because I was pretty close too! We are now on a Assessment programme which we are on fo...

MRI fail

So today was Daisy MRI scan and it was a complete FAIL! We had to go to the Valley Centre, at the Royal Stoke Hospital where they do the MRI scans.  We had to be there 20 minutes before the scan and Daisy was to be screaming for a bottle so she would have it then hopefully sleep so they could swaddle her in her favorite blanket and she would sleep while in the scanner.   When we arrived, I changed her nappy and gave her a 7oz bottle hoping she would fall off to sleep and we could send her through for her scan.  The Doctor, (scanner man) took us through to a side room so I could finish off feeding Daisy. He asked us which parent was going into the Scanner room with her and I straight away said Bradley. Even though I know she's not going through anything traumatic, I still didn't want to see my little girl going through a big thing. Which I guess is understandable! He asked a few questions about Daisy and also Bradley before they would go into the scanner room. The man ...

Cochlear Implants

A cochlear implant is a type of hearing aid that converts sound into electrical signals. Cochlear implants are for people who have no benefit from hearing aids. Instead of simply making sounds louder as a conventional hearing aid, the cochlear implant provides a sensation of hearing by bypassing the damaged hair cells in the cochlear and directly stimulating the auditory nerves using electrical signals. There are around 12,000 people in the UK who use cochlear implants. Cochlear implants are unable to restore normal levels of hearing and the degree of hearing provided can vary with different children. But the majority of children who have permanent serve to profound deafness are now able to access these and understand speech and language using only cochlear implants. How does the cochlear implant work is very common question I get asked. The microphone of the cochlear implant picks up the sound and the speech processor converts the sound waves into a digital code w...

What a nightmare

4th April 2017 What a nightmare the last few weeks have been. We had a meeting with Dr Thomas last week, she is a community paediatrician who will be carrying out further tests to make sure that Daisy's hearing isn't genetic. So Bradley and I will have to have a few tests such as, Hearing test and a blood test... Daisy will be having a few more test too.  She will also need an ECG where they will check her heart, as with hearing loss it could be connected with another part of the body, main body parts being the heart and the liver. We have a MRI scan Friday 5th April. I'm very nervous! Even though I've had one myself, but seeing your 3 month old baby go through this, is not a nice thought! But this scan is essential to ensure there is nothing wrong inside her little head due to CMV and also to see the inner ear. I firstly got told that Daisy would be sedated when having her MRI scan, but thankfully this won't ...