Quick update..
Daisy is now 16 weeks old. She is a right chunky monkey weighing in at bang on 15lbs. Nothing like my first Amelia-Lily, who was always so tiny and still is. Not much has been happening really at the moment. We had an appointment with Dr Oso on Monday 22nd may. I can honestly say it was most pointless appointment we have had yet. Is that bad of me to say that? We waited longer to see him, than the time we was actually in the room with him. We thought this appointment might be the results from Daisy's MRI Scan. But for some unknown reason no results have been sent over yet. typical! We was worried it might of got lost from when we had the cyber attack at the hospitals, as it happened just an hour half after we had left the hospital! I hope they have them because I don't think I could go through it again, with trying to get her to sleep and making sure she doesn't move in the MRI Scan. Complete nightmare but worth all the stress in the end hopefully. We also had a lett...