MRI fail

So today was Daisy MRI scan and it was a complete FAIL!

We had to go to the Valley Centre, at the Royal Stoke Hospital where they do the MRI scans.  We had to be there 20 minutes before the scan and Daisy was to be screaming for a bottle so she would have it then hopefully sleep so they could swaddle her in her favorite blanket and she would sleep while in the scanner.   When we arrived, I changed her nappy and gave her a 7oz bottle hoping she would fall off to sleep and we could send her through for her scan. 

The Doctor, (scanner man) took us through to a side room so I could finish off feeding Daisy. He asked us which parent was going into the Scanner room with her and I straight away said Bradley. Even though I know she's not going through anything traumatic, I still didn't want to see my little girl going through a big thing. Which I guess is understandable!

He asked a few questions about Daisy and also Bradley before they would go into the scanner room. The man was whispering hoping he wouldn't disturb Daisy, me and Bradley just looked at each other and we just wanted to laugh. 

He also said does noise wake her up, that was it we had to tell him before I start to laugh in his face. He was so apologetic. I think he felt really bad. But he wasn't to know. 

The doctor went off and left us in peace while I tried to settle Daisy off and did it happen NO!  Daisy would either settle off in my arms and when I went to pass her to brad she'd wake up. She never does that! So I'd try and settle her back off again and it just wasn't happening. She clearly thought it was play time. The scanner man came back into the room and said we have 10 minutes to try and settle off her otherwise we'll have to come back another day.

10 minutes went by and Daisy was screaming at this point, full of wind and just refusing to go to sleep, so we gave up. The doctor said that our time limit was up and that we would have to come back another day, which he knew anyway. He said he was on leave for a week, but would come in next Friday if need be to get Daisy scanned.

So now we are waiting for another letter for another appointment.

On a plus side we had some good news, we now finally have an appointment at Nottingham!! YAAY!! 

Wednesday 10th at 10:30am. 

Finally our foot is through the door. I couldn't be anymore excited that we are one step closer to our little girl hearing again.


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