Deaf awareness week 2017

Today is the start of Deaf awareness week! 
There is 11 million people in the U.K. With some sort of hearing loss. That is about 1 in 6 people.
More than 900,000 people in the UK are severely or profoundly deaf and there are more than 45,000 deaf children in the UK, plus many more who experience temporary hearing loss.
Around 6.7 million people could benefit from hearing aids and 24,000 people across the UK use sign language as their main language.

Hearing loss is a common problem that often develops with age or is caused by exposure to loud noise. But I'm some cases this isn't the reason.. 
> Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder (ANSD)
> Cholesteatoma
>Cleft palate
>Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
> Enlarged vestibular aqueducts
> Glue ear
> Meningitis
> Microtia and atresia
> Otosclerosis
> Genetic syndromes associated with hearing loss
Daisy was born with congenital Cytomegalovirus (CCMV), this was due to me unknowingly having Cytomegalovirus (CMV) in my first trimester of my pregnancy. 
Daisy was also born profoundly deaf in both ears, due to congenital Cytomegalovirus. 
1 in 150 babies are be born with Congenital Cytomegalovirus. That's 5000 babies a year! And unfortunately Daisy was one of them 5000.
Daisy is NOT one of the 6.7 million people who benefit from hearing aids. There are around 12,000 people who use cochlear implants and that number slowly goes up every day. Daisy will be having an operation hopefully end of this year for cochlear implants. We don't know if it'll be successful or not. But we have faith and hope that our little girl will one day hear the world! 
Any kind of hearing loss at all ages is terrifying. But the strength of your family, pulls you through the hardest and saddest of days.
Daisy is perfect either way and we couldn't be more proud of how well she is doing each day!
She's our little super star ⭐️ 


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