One year on

I cant quite believe its been a year since I started this blog. A whole year since we started this journey. Its crazy it really is.
From finding out our baby was profoundly deaf, the many trips to hospital's for tests and getting new ear moulds for hearing aids that didn't work, to Daisy now being 16 months old and hearing the world for 4 month, and doing so bloody well.

We are so pleased with how well she has took to her cochlear's. I know some people don't agree with Cochlear's but we've given our daughter the best of both worlds, she has the choice to hear, be able to speak spoken English language. She is already doing the babbling such as, mama, baba, dada, rara and mmmm. Our teacher of the deaf donna cant believe how much she has changed since her last mapping, she's being marked as a 6 month old hearing baby instead of a 4 month. she's looking more and more grown up everyday and she loves hearing new sounds. specially music. watching our daughter dance to music is just beautiful. we never thought we'd ever see the day Daisy is turning her head to music, or any sound. everyday she does something new and I just well up every time because I'm just so proud of her.
She's so desperate to walk now. she will go onto her feet with her hands still on the ground and walk like that sometimes. she hates the walker but uses it sometimes. The day she walks will be the best day of her life but the worst for me haha! I cant imagine having 2 little ones running around the place at the moment. She learnt how to climb stairs and that's a battle to keep her off them!

We go on our family holiday this month and I cant wait to see how daisy reacts to all the new sounds she's going to hear. Its going to be amazing! and then in June Daisy has her 5th Mapping which I am really excited about!

(Can the lady called Cathy who commented please private email me please? thanks ) x


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