Stoke Hospital

14th March 2017
Dr Clark got us an appointment with a pediatrician today over a stoke hospital. Due to Daisy's hearing being caused by COngenital CMV from when I pregnant, it comes with other symptoms that we need to get checked. ( I will talk about what CMV is in another blog very soon ) . 

We got there at 9:30am. Got greeted by a lovely nurse who we handed a letter to off Dr Clark explaining what had been going on in recent weeks with Daisy.

We were put into a cubical where we had to answer some questions about Daisy, she got weighed which she is now 10lb 9oz. which is a really good sign, she is continuing to put on weight.  We then got greeted by the pediatrician, who didn't really have a clue why we was there, he thought we was there for Daisy's hearing when we wasn't! We was there for a checkup on Congenital CMV.  He asked a few questions about Daisy's overall health. which as far as I am concerned is perfect.

The pediatrician spoke to Dr Hackett at Heartland Hospital who specialises in lots of diseases, CMV being one of them he decided that another heel prick test needed to be done, also needs to book daisy in for a MRI scan and an eye test.

The heel prick test was done quite quickly and Daisy wasn't bothered at all. But we do think it was very pointless as all they needed to do was chase up Daisy's 5 days old heel prick test and that would given us the result we need straight away.  That she was born with congenital CMV.

The MRI scan, will be a later appointment within the next few weeks. I am so scared about the MRI scan, as they will have to sedate Daisy, as they need an accurate result. I guess this will get me prepared for when she needs her operation someone time this year for her cochlear implants.

We waited 6 hours in the hospital, 4 of them waiting for the pediatrician as he said that he was going to book us into a eye test for today, but turns out they were busy and we have to come back tomorrow instead at 2:30. We don't think anything is wrong with Daisy's eyes but because it is one of the symptoms of CMV we have to get it checked out.. So tomorrow they will be checking behind the eyes to see how they are, fingers crossed they say her eye sight is perfect so we can just concentrate on her hearing.

Tonight has really been emotional, I think the not sleeping because my mind is on over drive has caught up on me, so much information to absorb.
I've been trying to keep a brave, happy face on but today I just cracked and the tears just kept on coming! If anyone says it is easy, then they are wrong! It's hard, very hard, especially when you have a 2 year old who wants all your attention too, but when you have to equal your time with both girls, this can result in hard work especially when Daisy has so many hospital appointments that Amelia just cant attend with us, you start to feel guilty.

I still keep thinking why has this happened to Daisy? Its terrifying, it really is.

I knows its going to be hard work but I also know Brad and I will stick together and help her as much as we can. I spoke to a teacher of the deaf today who I need to make appointment with so she can come out and give us some advice and teach us was to communicate with Daisy.

Its definitely very hard, to the point where some days I do cry and think that I cant do this. But I am trying my best to be the best capable mummy I can be for my girls!


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