Nottingham Hearing test part 1 (FAIL)

Today we went for a hearing test at Nottingham. Also today we got sent away and didn't end up having the hearing test...

Last night I couldn't sleep one bit. I was so nervous for Daisy to have this hearing test as she was being sedated. I know a lot of people get sedated, but with her being so young I was worrying.

I gave her, her last bottle at 4:30 as she had to have finished her milk at 5 and wasn't allowed another bottle until after she came back around after the sedation. She was very good drank her 9oz bottle and went back off to sleep. My alarm went off at 6am and oh my, wasn't I tired. I hardly slept anyway as I think it must of been 2:45 when I finally went to sleep and getting up at 4am to change Daisy's nappy and feed her, I think it was about 5:15 by the time I went back off to sleep.
We got to Nottingham at 8:15 and by this time Daisy was awake and it had been 4 hours since her last bottle. she was full of smiles for the nurse's and doctors. She was such a good girl.
She had all her OBS done which were all perfect.

We then had to wait for the audiologist team to come down and start the basic test while she's still awake. The lovely women was amazing with Daisy, very patient with her as she was getting groggy at this point as she didn't get to our room until 9:15.
She carried a test to see if there was any fluid in the ears.

When we had this test done 2 weeks away at Cannock hospital there was a slight peak on the results. The peak is meant to be in the box. This indicated that there was fluid in the ear. Jason who we seen said because there was a peak they should be able to carry out the hearing test and get a 100% result after.
The women carried out the test and the results were not what we wanted to see. There was no peak what so ever. It was just a flat line. This means that there is more fluid in the ear after having the 1st test 2 weeks ago.
She carried out the test again to make sure it was the same, and it was.
A male audiologist came into the room ( I should really remember names ) and told us that the results they got, they couldn't sedated her and go ahead with the hearing test they needed to do. They wouldn't get great results while there is fluid there, or be able to go as high as they wanted to go to see what level of hearing Daisy actually has.

Thankfully for Daisy this meant she could have food after 6 hours.

Me and Brad were absolutely devastated. I know I was worried and I really didn't want her to have it done but at the end of the day if I want her to hear I need to go through this.
I got myself prepared on the journey over and was ready for her to be sedated, to only be told that they can't do it today. Its no one's fault, Daisy has been teething and developed a cold and a slight cough, which has basically gone but obviously not in the ears.

So now we have been told that we need to go back next month in August. Hopefully after a month the fluid will clear and we can go ahead with a hearing test. luckily this isn't delaying with the cochlear implant surgery as we don't need to have another MRI so we are basically ahead of ourselves. We got told to go Cannock 48hrs before our appointment at Nottingham to see if the fluid has reduced or cleared. If it hasn't then Daisy will have to have grommets to clear the fluid away so we can proceed with the hearing test. 
I just hope it has cleared up by next month otherwise I'll work myself up again to be told they cant do it because of the fluid.

Thinking about getting hold of Ivan or Mandy to see if they can check in 2 weeks and if it is still not clear to see if they can go forward for grommets so by the time we go to Nottingham the grommets will be in and the fluid will be no longer there.

I know there's going to be good time's and hard time's. Today was a hard day. I just thought with it not being clear were going to be delayed and it wont be until after her 1st birthday. I felt angry when he was talking to me because I felt like maybe I should of done more for her not to get ill. But I know I cant help that.
Next time I'm hoping for positive results I really am.

On a good note though the audiologist also said she cant believe she still making her gurgling noises etc.. because they normal stop by now. Daisy is just a little show off basically and doesn't want to stop talking. She doesn't make as much noise as she used to but she does little bits which is a good sign. But whatever that's means we do not no...

I also had a phone call of stoke hospital last week for Daisy's eye test which is a month late. I know there busy but with a baby who was born with CMV and sight could go at any point, I want her to be monitored closely. I know there nothing wrong with her eyes because she's also looking for me or at me, Playing with toys and also wanting to play with Amelia-Lily. Which is lovely to watch.

We've also started to learn baby basic sign language. very hard but we will get there. Amelia-Lily has cracked it and knows most of the basic sign now. The little show off.


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