CMV teddy bear picnic
Our teddy picnic was a huge success! Close family and friends turned up to help spread awareness and they generously donated money towards the CMV Action charity. So far we have raised £120 which is more than I could have hoped for. Some people have donated straight to the site also.
We started the day by eating our picnic as everyone started to arrive. While waiting for everyone to finish eating a few people started playing football games. Once everyone was ready we had a game of rounders which I think my team won. Then we played guess the sweets in the jar which Kerry won. And then we played a game of football to end a great afternoon!
We are trying to find other ways to raise money before the month is up for CMV, so my mum is hoping to do a bake off week at her work, where her work colleagues will pay a £1+ towards the cake they would like to eat. Mum also did this for national deaf awareness week and raised £150.
We are hoping to be able to schedule a fun day at one of our local pubs, hire a Bouncy castle, get a face painter, play bus and much more. To help raise awareness for CMV and also raise money for National children's deaf society.
Once we have a date set for the fun day I will make it public on my Facebook account and get everyone to share it, I will also try and post it on the CMV action page and also the national children's deaf society and along with the Staffordshire deaf society page too. So I hope you can all make it.