
Showing posts from June, 2017


Any of you mummy's or daddy's ever thought that something you thought was impossible could actually be something real?  Well we think something is going on with Daisy's right ear! More than likely going to be nothing but I guess we keep hoping there might be something there. Every time I put the right hearing aid in she just changes, I can't even describe it! She straight away try's to look for the sound, (well we think she does) and she lets out the biggest smiles and giggles with it in. The left ear there is nothing at all,no smiles no giggles. We can make her laugh and smile without them in but it's hard work!  When we went to see mandy one of many of our audiologist's to sort out Daisy's new pink hearing aids she also thought what I was thinking for weeks! She told us it could be nothing at all, or it could be a slight hearing with it in, even though she failed all hearing tests. Or it could be there is some stimulation in the right ear which is...

CMV teddy bear picnic

Our teddy picnic was a huge success! Close family and friends turned up to help spread awareness and they generously donated money towards the CMV Action charity. So far we have raised £120 which is more than I could have hoped for. Some people have donated straight to the site also. We started the day by eating our picnic as everyone started to arrive. While waiting for everyone to finish eating a few people started playing football games. Once everyone was ready we had a game of rounders which I think my team won. Then we played guess the sweets in the jar which Kerry won. And then we played a game of football to end a great afternoon! We are trying to find other ways to raise money before the month is up for CMV, so my mum is hoping to do a bake off week at her work, where her work colleagues will pay a £1+ towards the cake they would like to eat. Mum also did this for national deaf awareness week and raised £150. We are hoping to be able to schedule a fun day at o...

Thank you

Just wanted to take this time to actually thank everyone for being so kind and lovely towards me and my family! The lovely emails and comments I get from you all are truly amazing. These two charity's have a big space in my heart, the amount of help we have had off the people who run the charity has been amazing for us. Helping us along the way of our journey, answering any questions we may have, helping us make our decisions easier.  I just can't thank them enough!  I  also just can't thank everyone enough for their love and support for us. I truly am grateful to have such wonderful family and friends around us. I have also made quite a few friends since making this blog who have also been a massive help. Speaking to people who have been on the same journey as we are on, is very reassuring! My email is always open to people who want to chat about anything, I may not have been on this journey for very long, but 4 months seems to have be a life time for us a...

CMV awareness month ( June 2017 )

CMV awareness month is here! Id love to some how be able to help the CMV Action team spread the word and information about CMV to everyone. Especially to midwifes. unfortunately my mum fell ill with CMV June 2016, little did we know how serious it was for anyone with CMV to be around pregnant women. Especially in their first trimester of pregnancy. We notified doctors and my midwife but they had no knowledge and told me not to worry about it as its very unlikely I would have it. Oh how they were very wrong!! If they had tested me for CMV while I was still pregnant, Daisy could of had the anti viral medicine as soon as she was born. NHS need to test babies for Congenital CMV at the 5 day heel prick blood test! Everyone in some part of their life will catch CMV. They may not even know about it, like I didn't. or you could turn seriously ill like my mum did. I wish there was more knowledge out there for nursing staff about CMV! CMV Action...


We finally have some good news!! Daisy's MRI Scan came back normal. Which means that there wont be anything else wrong with Daisy other than her ears. It feels like its one less thing to stress about now. I always had that horrible thought at the back of my mind that something awful was going to be wrong with her due to the CMV. But no! She's a strong, healthy little girl. The results will be sent over to Nottingham, so they can look at the ears and hopefully the process will speed up once we have had our hearing test with him in 2 months time. Daisy has started to do little chuckles to me and brad. Which we honestly thought we never hear until she could hear.   We can now finally relax and just wait for the rest to happen. I just wish we could fast forward to her hearing. But life is just so perfect with her, that I want time to stop so I can go back to her being a tiny baby again, same with her big sister. Only short and sweet today, I hope to give you more good n...