Hearing aid fitting...

Sorry I haven't blogged in a few days, I've been so busy as its been my birthday. I just wanted a weekend of smiles and to not think about anything that is going on.
But I'm back and I'm ready to finally keep you all up to speed on what is happening.

Friday 17th March was hearing aids fitting day.
We was already warned that the hearing aids may not work, due to how severe Daisy's hearing loss was, so we wasn't getting our hopes up, but there was that slight hope in our hearts that maybe it may do something even if it is very slight. 

Ivan and Mandy the Audioloigist's at Cannock, programed the hearing aids and then fitted them to Daisy's ears. Which daisy did not like, but once they were in she settled back off to sleep. 

The moment of truth came when they finally turned them on, Bradley was calling Daisy's name, there was no response. I still had a sleeping baby in my arms. Ivan the head of audiologist clapped as loud as he could, hoping she would make some response to the sound. There was still no response. We knew from that point the hearing aids wouldn't work, to be honest all I wanted to do was cry at this point, but I kept a brave face on.

Mandy and Ivan explained that we need to keep using the hearing aids for 3 months. This is just to prove that we have tried the hearing aids, they haven't worked and then we will go onto the next stage to try and help Daisy hear.

In my head I'm thinking what a pointless 3 months we have with hearing aids when they don't help her one bit.

The hearing aid molds were to small for Daisy's ears, it had only been a week since they made the molds and but her little ears are growing rapidly. So the hearing aids keep falling out! Ivan made more molds to be sent off, so hopefully we will have the molds back on Wednesday. Fingers crossed they stay in her ears for at least 2 weeks until we need more molds doing.

Ivan and Mandy told us to take the hearing aids out, and put them back in ourselves when we get back home. Brad left for work just after we put them back in and MY GOD!! it was a horrendous 2 hours, of battling to keep them in.The funny thing is its not Daisy knocking them out, its down to them being to small for her ears. It got to the point where me and Daisy wasn't even having mummy and daughter time it was just me getting frustrated at the hearing aids. So I decided to take the out and put them back in the box, and I'll try again later on
Its still a battle now 3 days later...


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