Further tests...

15th March 2017
Due to daisy having CMV,  we had to go get her eyes tested to make sure nothing was wrong..

The worry that there could possibly be some sort of sight loss was horrible!
When we got to Stoke hospital we was greeted by a lovely women who put some drops into Daisy's eyes to make her pupils enlarged, this allows the doctor to look properly into her eyes.  Daisy broke her little heart while putting these drops in! Worst thing in the world is seeing your children cry.  But once they had finished putting drops in she soon went back off to sleep.  We then had to wait 20 minutes before we could see the eye doctor, to ensure the drops did their job.  More waiting...

Dr Jospeh, explained what she was about to do and what she was looking for. The results to the eye test was fantastic news!! Daisy's eye sight was healthy for a 6 week baby. I was completely over the moon. We have to go back in 3 months for another check up, but this is standard anyway with deaf children, to have there other senses checked.

16th March 2017
I had a phone call today of Ivan who is head audiologist, he informed me that Daisy's hearing aids are ready to be picked up/ fitted! Which I'm completely over the moon with how fast everything is going, and how brilliant all the doctors have been with us, for putting her on the urgent list.

I'm hoping there will be some kind of response once the hearing aids are in. Even if it's just a slight sound. The fact that she's never heard my voice, kills me inside!  Amelia is always singing to Daisy, which is so sweet!

I also had a phone call from the teacher of the deaf today who has booked  to come an visit us on Wednesday morning, to answer any questions we may have about anything. Which is ALOT!  And also any questions about the hearing aids that would have been fitted.

We have an ENT meeting on Monday with a few consultants, who will be giving us loads of information on what is happenings next etc..

Wish us luck for tomorrow!!


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