
More complications...

Just as we thought we had sorted Daisy's hearing out, a few weeks later Daisy experienced the same problem again with the left ear. She could not tolerate the sound again! We thought it was very weird as she was on much lower sound and she was fine. As I was at work when brad told me what had happened, I made a few phone calls. My mum was able to ring the doctors and get her an appointment with them at 11am while I was ringing up Rope walk house to get there advise on it again. But with us currently being in a pandemic and lockdown! We couldn't get to Nottingham. As I was explaining it all to Kim, that it was exactly the same thing again. she told me to ring her back after she had been to her doctors appointment. So I waited.. worried sick while being at work, couldn't leave but to be honest I knew there wasn't much I could do as I cant go no where and she was in the best hands with my Dad. Attended the doctors appointment, They said there was still abit of wax in there...

Problems with the cochlear

Sat at home in tears... Daisy has woken up not being able to tolerate her left cochlear, she screaming out in pain and saying its hurting! As you can imagine worst feeling for us as parents as we've never been told this would or could happen.  First thing I did was ring the doctors so they could check in her ear to see if there  was possible ear infection. Once booked the appointment I message Donna and Victoria and straight on the phone to Nottingham Rope Walk House. Where they advised that I should go to her doctors appointment check behind the hear and get the doctor to ring queens while we was there and see what they advise us to do next. Sat in the doctors worried what was going to happen. Will she need it taking out? What sound is she hearing? like what the hell is going on!!! Deep breathe Emily... Doctor checked both ears and they said there was a lot of wax but didn't suspect an ear infection. Rang Nottingham and they advised us to go...


Sooo.. Its been a while since ive been on here!! As you can imagine with now having a 3 year old Daisy and a 5 year Amelia-Lily, and a full time job. I had no time to be able to write. There has been a few times where I wanted to write down my thoughts but after 2 years i've finally picked up my laptop and thought id give you all an insight on how the last 2 years have been us. So I think I left off last time with Daisy starting school in the February? Well.. First day at school was emotional for us all, our last baby going off to school is hard enough but Daisy being special was an even more worry. The thoughts of how will she settle in? Will the kids rip off her cochlears? Will they ignore her and leave her out? the thoughts were endless... Dropped her off holding back the tears and Daisy was super excited as she had her own little uniform that matched her sisters and massive back pack full of all the thing i thought shed need in the 3 hours she was there! We left her crying but...

Catching up

Let me start off by saying sorry that its been a while since I last blogged. I bagged myself a new job so all my spare time now is playing with kids and catching up on house work. Daisy is doing brilliantly, she's really listening to new sounds and tries to repeat what you say to her. Saying alot more words now. Our teach of the deaf has told us that daisy isn't to far behind, and that she is very clever. She's such a character now and definitely cheeky.  She took her first few little steps walking by herself the other week, and slow very slowly getting there. I recon by Christmas she will be walking independently. Fingers crossed. Daisy will be starting Pre-school in February. got a meeting next month with teacher to discuss what needs to go into place. but I'm looking forward to watching her grow. But I'm upset as she's my last baby and I'm going to miss having children around the house 24/7 :( But its going to be a new adventure for her and I...

One year on

I cant quite believe its been a year since I started this blog. A whole year since we started this journey. Its crazy it really is. From finding out our baby was profoundly deaf, the many trips to hospital's for tests and getting new ear moulds for hearing aids that didn't work, to Daisy now being 16 months old and hearing the world for 4 month, and doing so bloody well. We are so pleased with how well she has took to her cochlear's. I know some people don't agree with Cochlear's but we've given our daughter the best of both worlds, she has the choice to hear, be able to speak spoken English language. She is already doing the babbling such as, mama, baba, dada, rara and mmmm. Our teacher of the deaf donna cant believe how much she has changed since her last mapping, she's being marked as a 6 month old hearing baby instead of a 4 month. she's looking more and more grown up everyday and she loves hearing new sounds. specially music. watching our daug...

Happy news

Daisy has been doing amazingly recently. she had her 4th mapping on Thursday 1st march. We had really bad weather, snow was everywhere and still travelled to Nottingham, we didn't want to miss this appointment at all. thankfully the roads were actually not bad. Daisy turned her head to every beep that went off, she's alot higher than what they would normal do, but because she wasn't phased by the sound and she was just loving life, they are able to turn her up a smidge more. Since coming home from the appointment, we've heard 'RARARARA','MAMAMA' which I was crying at, I couldn't believe she could say mama. And today we got 'BABABA' which sometimes sounds like 'DADA' but were not to sure. either way I don't mind as we got mama out of her first. she a bright spark that is for sure, she learns so quickly. her crawling is so fast now. Daisy really wants to walk, but hasn't quite got her balance yet but will attempt to walk wi...

One Year on...

A whole year?! how has that even happened... We've just celebrated Daisy's 1st birthday and she had such a fab day! she was surround by all her family and friends and I don't actually think she stopped laughing and smiling all day. She was golden, just like her big sister. Its crazy to think this time last year we had no clue what was just around the corner and what we was going to find out about our beautiful little girl.  But we've learnt about hearing loss, more than you can ever imagine. We've learnt about hearing aids and cochlear implants. The pros and cons about everything. We feel like we made the best choice for Daisy. Some people may think different, some think like we do. At the end of the day its not permanent decision, when Daisy gets older she can choose if to wear them or not. We've just been very lucky to be able to give her best start in life if she does keep up with the cochlear's.    Talking about sound and Coc...