Problems with the cochlear
Sat at home in tears... Daisy has woken up not being able to tolerate her left cochlear, she screaming out in pain and saying its hurting! As you can imagine worst feeling for us as parents as we've never been told this would or could happen. First thing I did was ring the doctors so they could check in her ear to see if there was possible ear infection. Once booked the appointment I message Donna and Victoria and straight on the phone to Nottingham Rope Walk House. Where they advised that I should go to her doctors appointment check behind the hear and get the doctor to ring queens while we was there and see what they advise us to do next. Sat in the doctors worried what was going to happen. Will she need it taking out? What sound is she hearing? like what the hell is going on!!! Deep breathe Emily... Doctor checked both ears and they said there was a lot of wax but didn't suspect an ear infection. Rang Nottingham and they advised us to go...