Nottingham update... We're nearly at the end!!

Sorry its been a while since I last blogged. Having a 2 year old who always wants my attention and also with that a 8 month old who only wants to be next to me, its hard to actually get some time to myself.
But I'm back with some very exciting news!!

Lets start with Daisy. She is now 8 months old.
- She stands up by herself now;
- Sitting up unaided. well, actually when she concentrates on something like a toy etc.. she sits up perfectly. As soon as that concentration goes she goes all wobbly. This is down to her balance being off due to her hearing. so hoping once cochlear implants are in place, it will resolve this problem. But she's doing so well.
- Her hand and eye coordination is spot on. So defiantly nothing wrong with her eyes.
- She eats all food we eat. My Tommie Tippee blender was a very good purchase.
- She has slept through the night since 2 months old. she normally goes 7 til 7 sometimes 9 if she went to bed at 8 the night before.
- on 9oz bottles 3 times a day.

Thursday 5th October we had an appointment at the rope walk house in Nottingham to see the audiology team again. They carried out a few tests, which I personally thought was pointless but I guess to them its just ticking the boxes to get her ready for the cochlear implant surgery. They did a few sounds down her ear's through ear phones. The left ear, there was no response, the right ear there might of been a little, but we will never know really as an 8 month old cant tell you if she's hearing sound or not.
Both of the tests came back what we wanted it to be and they were happy to write their report on Daisy to say cochlear implants are the best thing for her.

They also showed me the new cochlear implant set, look's amazing but looked very expensive too. They also showed me the different colours you can get and I loved them all but I was more persuaded to the white one.

The audiologist team pretty much told us that things will move very quickly now and that our ENT consultant meeting wont be far behind after seeing them.

After this appointment we then went onto seeing a Speech and language doctor. who works along our other teach of the deaf Donna.
Wasn't to keen on her, found her very patronising and I don't know why. She was making all these sounds to Daisy and I was just there thinking you daft women, the tests we had proved that Daisy cant hear any person talking, its to low for her to pick up. But she carried on and I was basically ready to just walk out. horrible I know, but I hate when people make loads of sound around her thinking she heard it when she never. The tests have proven that. Never mind ay. Don't have to see her for another year now!!

9th October we got a phone call from Nottingham saying our ENT meeting will be on the 11th October. At this point I have so many thoughts going through my head. I felt physically sick I was worrying that much. Thinking what if its going to be next week or the week after. I think because we been talking about cochlear implants since she was 4 months old, it was nothing then but now its actually nearly here, its all going round and round in my head. honestly think I'm going to have a breakdown. Not only do have Daisy to think about, but we also wont have a home after the 3rd December. So were in the process of trying to find our forever home.

11th October we are currently at Nottingham rope walk house. Wondering what this surgeon will say. But we was only in there 20 minutes really. We put our signature on the dotted line to consent the go ahead with cochlear implants. Ordered her white cochlear implants and learnt more on the procedure. I didn't really want to know about the procedure but the amount of people who have told me I might as well know the in's and outs of it now. We've got to book her in for the pneumococcal vaccination, this will be her pre injections prior her operation. The surgeon said after the operation they'd like to say it's a day job and we will be out the same day, hopefully this is the case but if not we will have to stay in due to her being young still and it took her a while to come round from the hearing test we had let alone an operation. But the news we've been waiting for, when's the operation? well he said it'll be sometime November. As soon as he said that I shut off and started thinking right were at the start of October we have plenty of time. Then thinking we only have 2 more weeks left in October then its going to be the start of November. Crap!! So much to do in such little time. My head is pounding all the time, I'm hardly sleeping as my mind is just making lists of things to do.
- Pack the hospital bag's for us both
- Get all the girls Christmas present's sorted. Brad and family can be a last minute job.

-Make Daisy better by the end of October ( She has a nasty cough and cold )
I honestly just want to crack up and cry all the time. But I'm that busy I cant, I just don't have time to.
I knew it was going to hard when it got closer but my god it horrendous! Going to be totally worth it in the end though and I cant wait for our moment when our little girl hears us.



Jenny F-G said…
Keep strong, it will all come together, remember your supportive family near and far are all here for you. xxx

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