Daisy's development & up coming appointments

Daisy is now 6 months old. A very happy chunky baby.
Still not sitting up, but were getting there. Her head control is a lot better now, pretty much perfect! which we are super proud of! She tries her hardest to pull herself up and sit up by herself, I think in a few weeks time we will be there. She so much better on her tummy now. A few of yous messaged me and gave me some advice about putting a towel/blanket rolled up under her chest when on tummy time. first few attempts didn't go to plan Daisy just screamed. But now she can do it without a blanket under her. Her Bumbo has worked wonders for her head control and strengthening her back.
So thanks again for the advice.

She has now learnt how to roll, doesn't like rolling from her back to front but does do it as long as there's' toys around her. But mastered to front to back roll!
Daisy was surprising everyone with her babbling, as most babies with profound hearing stop at a certain age, and even though daisy isn't doing it as much as she was, she is still going strong and does little bits which is still really good!

We went to an eye clinic last week to double check on her eyes and they are perfect in every way. nothing to worry about there at all. which is amazing, one less thing to worry about but because she did have CMV we still need to keep an eye on them so we have to go back in 3 months time. we will probably have to keep going back up until she is 2.

We also have another appointment for our second attempt at the hearing test in Nottingham on the 22nd. we have to go Cannock this coming Friday to do the what I call peak test, which it isn't called that but I always forget what Its called, but its the test to see if there is any fluid behind the ear. hopefully there isn't so we can go ahead with the hearing test or if there is hopefully only a little so we can still have the hearing test.
But if there is fluid then I'll have to ring up Nottingham and see what they say, they may say not bother or they could say come in and see what the fluid is like on the day. I guess we will soon find out. The next stage would be is grommets, to help drain the water away.. hopefully this doesn't set us back for her operation. 

waiting for an appointment from heartland hospital to meet Dr Hackket again and a physio women to make sure Daisy isn't to far behind on her development. Hopefully her behind now is due to her being lazy nothing to do with weak muscles which CMV can also cause.

We've been learning lots of signs now. I think Amelia know 38 signs now! she's just doing amazing! trying to do little signs around Daisy so she can learn but I still don't get how she understands what I'm saying. I guess we will get there in time.
I see all these other babies who are younger than Daisy but are doing everything that Daisy should be doing now if not more, it makes me tear up! I know I shouldn't but sometimes I just wish this never happened to our little girl. I guess I'm jealous of other babies. is that stupid?
I know Daisy is like any other baby and will do things in her time and it doesn't matter if she can hear or not. But sometimes I wonder what she would be like if she could hear, if she didn't have CMV. I
 still wonder now what questions she will ask when she older.. I try not to think about it but sometimes it quite hard not to.


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