
Showing posts from August, 2017

Hearing test at Nottingham FINALLY!!

Currently sat in a side room with Bradley while Daisy is laying right in front of us on the bed fast asleep. We finally got the go ahead for the hearing test! Daisy no longer has fluid behind the ears. Daisy got sedated at 9:50 and went off to sleep at 9:57 fastest they've had yet to go to sleep. We have the audiologist currently in the room setting Daisy up with all the wires  etc.. she looks so peaceful! But don't know what I'm going to do for a few hours while she's having this test. Best thing about today is that we will find out if Daisy needs cochlear implants or if a hearing aid can work if it was higher setting. But he said more than likely she'll need cochlear implants because of it being cmv that caused this. 10:10 and the test has begun. Mine and Bradley's ears are going crazy already because we can hear the noises that are going into Daisy's ears. Our tummys are rumblings as we've had no breakfast just a cup of tea. Can't sto...

Daisy's development & up coming appointments

Daisy is now 6 months old. A very happy chunky baby. Still not sitting up, but were getting there. Her head control is a lot better now, pretty much perfect! which we are super proud of! She tries her hardest to pull herself up and sit up by herself, I think in a few weeks time we will be there. She so much better on her tummy now. A few of yous messaged me and gave me some advice about putting a towel/blanket rolled up under her chest when on tummy time. first few attempts didn't go to plan Daisy just screamed. But now she can do it without a blanket under her. Her Bumbo has worked wonders for her head control and strengthening her back. So thanks again for the advice. She has now learnt how to roll, doesn't like rolling from her back to front but does do it as long as there's' toys around her. But mastered to front to back roll! Daisy was surprising everyone with her babbling, as most babies with profound hearing stop at a certain age, and even though da...