Nottingham Hearing test part 1 (FAIL)
Today we went for a hearing test at Nottingham. Also today we got sent away and didn't end up having the hearing test... Last night I couldn't sleep one bit. I was so nervous for Daisy to have this hearing test as she was being sedated. I know a lot of people get sedated, but with her being so young I was worrying. Anyway... I gave her, her last bottle at 4:30 as she had to have finished her milk at 5 and wasn't allowed another bottle until after she came back around after the sedation. She was very good drank her 9oz bottle and went back off to sleep. My alarm went off at 6am and oh my, wasn't I tired. I hardly slept anyway as I think it must of been 2:45 when I finally went to sleep and getting up at 4am to change Daisy's nappy and feed her, I think it was about 5:15 by the time I went back off to sleep. We got to Nottingham at 8:15 and by this time Daisy was awake and it had been 4 hours since her last bottle. she was full of smiles for the nurse's...