The final test...
March 10th 2017
I'm currently sat in a boxed room, with my 6 week old daughter all wired up for her screening test to be done by the audiologist! She's just finished the left ear and there wasn't a response I think we kind of know what the outcome is going to be after she's done her right ear. But I am still thinking positive! There's so much that can be done these days to help young children to hear. This is definitely going to be an eye opener for us and the family...
Two hours later, we have a result of no response in both ears, which I knew anyway.
Sat there trying to take in everything the audiologist is saying and I'm literally just staring at her and nothing is going in!! There is so much information to take in, its a good job my mum comes with us as she repeats it all back to me after, but in little bits at a time.
So the audiologist also took molds today of Daisy's ears, which will be sent off for her hearing aids, which they will be fitted end of next week hopefully. She will trial these for 3 months or maybe less. The chances of them working are very very slim for Daisy. I will keep positive and maybe there is hope and they will work, but if they don't then Daisy will have the cochlear implants sometime before her 1st birthday, this will be done at Nottingham hospital. We hopefully have an ENT meeting on the 20th March, where we will discuss what is going to happening next.
Also expecting a phone call over the next couple of days from a teacher of the deaf. Daisy will have this teacher throughout her younger years of life, who will help us and also there to help Daisy. My worst nightmare is trying to learn sign language, but who knows in a few years time, I may be brilliant at it...
Its so strange to think that she has no clue what sound is. I cant help but feel sorry for her, its like we are grieving for something that has never been there!
I keep wondering what's she going to think when she's older, will she blame me for what has happened to her?! I know its no ones fault and that its just something that has happened and I know she wont know anything different other than having a hearing loss.